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DropFlaccid88 karma

Regina! Hello! You're a lovely human being, and I love your music. Two questions: 1) You use a lot of unusual vocalizations in your music (glottal stops, dolphin sounds, beatboxing, etc). What convinced you to keep that in your music, when so few artists do things like that? 2) Who are some other people in the music and entertainment world you've become friends with?

DropFlaccid9 karma

Hi, Maria! Long-time fan, and I finally have the chance to see you perform next month! You're one of my all-time favorite comedians, and I love your work in other mediums as well.

What do you think a comedian's responsibility is regarding material that may make the audience uncomfortable? I typically roll my eyes when people complain about political correctness, but I understand the desire to push the envelope or stretch the medium. How should a comedian tastefully experiment with their material in a way that's not harmful? Sorry if this is a loaded question, have a lovely day!

DropFlaccid2 karma

Hi, Rob! I was wondering, would you ever do a fan Q&A episode of Talkin Toons? Also, thank you so much for being you and doing the work you've done. You're an inspiration every day, man.