Highest Rated Comments

Dragoniel457 karma

I don't think there is a single artist living from his art solely, who isn't behind the deadlines, heh. It's unavoidable, creativity can't be put within strict timelines. Make sure to allow yourself some leeway in future projects to account for it, as best you can.

May your inspiration never leave you.

Dragoniel125 karma

I don't know why you are being downvoted. Media is anything but accurate. They are selling information and more scandalous information sells better.

Dragoniel24 karma

Virtually all major rating systems (such as reddit upvotes, amazon reviews, spotify ratings, app stores and videos, even actual voting on official matters - such as net neutrality fiasco - and etc) have been taken over by hostile actors using botnets and human troll farms to influence and manipulate scoring systems to their own ends. What makes this platform any different? Particularly considering the stakes at hand, which are considerably higher than the aforementioned? What security measures are employed against it?

Dragoniel18 karma

See, this sort of bothers me now

Welcome to the 'fandom'. When it starts bothering you that you can't open your mouth without literally everyone making that assumption, you know you're well and truly one of us.

Don't worry about not considering yourself a 'real' fur. Like 70% of furries that I know don't (including yours truly), heh.

Dragoniel5 karma

It is the only reliable way, but there this one massive hurdle - all manufacturers of audio/video capture devices need to actually include this in to their products. And not just any "this", but a reliable, globally accepted standard. And since it is related to cyber security, even the most reliable methods today are going to get outdated and vulnerable, so even cameras and microphones with this secure layer will eventually become susceptible to claims that it's fake anyway.

It will take something major for this to become the new trend, I feel. I hope it can be solved by legislature before we get to that point.