Highest Rated Comments

DragonflyGrrl244 karma

That is just unimaginable. Reminds me of a story I've been told about my great great (great?) grandmother, whose village was being raided by native Americans. She was in her young 20's at the time and ended up having to smother her own infant (who wouldn't stop crying) to save the rest of the family from being killed. What an awful choice to have to make, and live with. (I'm also part Cherokee. I've got blood on both sides of that genocide).

DragonflyGrrl218 karma

That is a VERY good point. Not that I have for a moment ever sympathized with a Nazi of any age.. I just hope that if anyone reading this has, it makes them think.

EDIT: People keep making comments similar to each other in response to mine, so I feel I should clarify here. I'm speaking specifically of Nazi war criminals.. the ones who orchestrated and ordered the horrors committed by the Nazi regime, and those who carried them out with sadistic enjoyment. I am NOT speaking of your average German soldier, who generally only wanted to make it through the war and get home to their families. And many of whom actually went against orders to try to ease the suffering of those around them. And I am most CERTAINLY not speaking of Germans in general.. I'm extremely sympathetic to any civilian populace caught up in a time of war, and am VERY AGAINST the stereotyping and demonizing of an entire group of people (for example Muslims in our current conflicts). The men who orchestrated the suffering and death of millions are the ones who should pay. And pay very dearly they should, no matter their age when finally caught.

DragonflyGrrl180 karma

Why? Fuck a pop tart.


DragonflyGrrl154 karma

*the future is

DragonflyGrrl92 karma

Eww! Your poor toaster.