Highest Rated Comments

DragonBorn765 karma

Thank you. That makes sense. I'm glad you contributed your DNA . Does anyone in your family hold any grudges against you about this? well other than Talbott of course.

DragonBorn764 karma

You did a good thing . However she manages to justify to herself that it's somehow your fault has nothing to do with you.

DragonBorn764 karma

When Parabon uploaded Talbott's DNA to GEDmatch, there were two hits: mine (his second cousin) and one other (his half first cousin once removed). That second hit was significantly more challenging for CeCe Moore to identify because of the more complex relationship, and because there were only initials on the user who uploaded the data.

Can you give more details on how these hits helped to identify Talbott ? I get that you matched up as his second cousin and the other matched up as a first.

How did they get to the point that they identified Talbott out of all this? Sorry if this has been explained somewhere .