Highest Rated Comments

Dr_Gats779 karma

screw that, put "became an internet meme" under qualifications, should land you a job in the IT sector somewhere, regardless of major.

Dr_Gats79 karma

Man I'd love to see a sequel to Dogma, but you got a lot to fill with that cast. It wouldn't be the same without a lot of the guys you had in the original. Along with you and Kevin, I would require Alan Rickman, Chris Rock, and Salma Hayek. I wanna know what happened to Rufus dammit! Now I'm sad though, because I realize no Carlin cameo is possible. Maybe talk to whoever did that Tupac hologram, would totally be worth it.

Dr_Gats43 karma

OP, no questions for you, only condolences. I am in the exact same position working for AT&T. As of today I am now the only person in my department, and I watch other departments do nothing but what I like to call "the blame game", where they try as hard as they can to make problems look like anybody other than themselves are at fault, so therefore they should do no work to help it. Or if they do have to help, it should be considered a life debt to be repayed upon demand.

I am applying for new jobs every day, I am the last of the employees in my office to find solace in another employer, and every day I am here I just want to walk out and never look back.

But then bills.

Dr_Gats20 karma

Just got out of a talk with our sys admins. Our firewall management device recently had to get rebuilt, and for some reason they decided to replace our 3x1TB drives with a single 60GB, and now it's on us to trim our log files to fit within that because the vendor said it should work.
