Highest Rated Comments

DrMichaelHam343 karma

An excellent question, we've all been burned by our fair share of politicians and its pretty easy to be cynical.

Up to this point, I've dedicated my life to performing science, and I want to apply this methodology to politics. We need to really examine our policies and whether they've achieved their intended goals.

You ask what gives credence to my intentions? Throughout my adult life, I've worked to develop solutions for the problems facing the United States in creative ways. I started KinAesthetic Wind, a non-profit designed to increase the amount of renewable energy in the United States and lower the cost of a college education. I led a class where we built an electric car on a minimal budget. I've written an article discussing the dangers of PIPA and SOPA.

I'm not doing this to gain favors, I'm doing this because I want to actually provide solutions for the big problems these past Congresses have left us. I hope that answers your question to some degree.

DrMichaelHam243 karma

Thanks, I feel pretty legit.

DrMichaelHam199 karma

No, I definitely need some help collecting signatures in that area if you are interested.

DrMichaelHam185 karma

Do I have guts - well I am running for Congress, which is a bit of a frightening prospect to be perfectly honest.

Here is my list of priorities

Does a man who is a "slick, eager-to-please, double-faced wishy washy son of a gun" build apocalypse ready cars?

Ultimately there is no way I can prove anything to you without actually doing it. I'm hoping the citizens of New Mexico will give me that chance.

DrMichaelHam172 karma

The beard stays. We're old friends