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DrG239010 karma

I was in Girl Scouts when I was in elementary school and we definitely had that one. I always wished I could do Boy Scouts instead because it was so boring to me.

DrG23906 karma

Thanks so much. I feel like if more people talked about the impact that seeing that kind of stuff growing up we could make it so the next generation isn’t as traumatized. I know for me personally I make any sacrifice I can think of, to make sure my daughter never feels what I felt, you know?

DrG23906 karma

How do I heal from trauma from my childhood at the hands of my dad? He wasn’t around a lot growing up because he was working, and when he was around he was always yelling and being mean. Fast forward to now, and I always break down when people yell or act erratic around me. What can I do to try and heal our relationship if it’s possible? I hate having flashbacks when my husband and I argue even though it’s nothing like what I grew up with. Hope this isn’t too personal.