Highest Rated Comments

DrBort919 karma

In the UK on BBC 2 (or it might have been on the Irish channels) they used to regularly introduce the show with lines like

"And now it's time to catch up.. with the Wilkersons!".

For years.

DrBort357 karma

I understand this reference.

DrBort155 karma

Or is it a new thing? "Do you know Bryan Cranston??!" "Yeah, well, I work-know him."

DrBort28 karma

No, mother, it's just the northern lights!

DrBort6 karma

Hi Ross. What's the attitude within your paediatric surgery department/your hospital on GPs? Worth their weight in gold, or nuisances who send you duff referrals? Have these attitudes changed over the years?

I'm a GP myself.. but in a very different part of the UK, I promise! Just since you're doing an AMA and we're out of the professional sphere here...