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Dozus841028 karma

I'm a social studies teacher and I use your Crash Course videos all the time. I know you've got like a dozen different Crash Course series going on right now. So my questions are:

  • How involved are you in the Crash Course program now? Are you mostly handing them off to other experts to design and host?

  • Are there any plans to bring back the defunct Crash Course Geography series? (Props, by the way, for owning up to the first episode's flaws and pulling the series.)

  • Do you have plans to extend any more of your series like you did with the second season of World History?

Dozus846 karma

We've buried three babies, each about two years apart. Natalie, Tobias, and Vincent. Thank you for doing this AMA and talking about it.

I participated in a support group after our first two losses through a group called Kindermourn. There seemed to be some real differences in the ways that men felt they could express their grief. There's the machismo aspect, of course, but I think a bigger factor was that some men felt they had to support their wives and being sad meant they weren't being "strong enough" for them. Did you feel like this was something you personally could talk about and grieve over?

Did you ever get a real diagnosis as to why your daughter died? We were told after Natalie that it was just "one of those things." With Toby, my wife was diagnosed with an incompetent cervix (horrible name, btw). When we were ready to try again, they put in a cerclage, but it failed around 26 weeks without warning.