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Dozed5 karma

Male psych RN here. I've been sexually harassed by male and female patients, both young and old.

A huge percentage of our patient population have a history of sexual abuse, usually in childhood, so sometimes they act out in this way. Some just don't have a filter and say whatever pops in their brain. I just gently tell them it's inappropriate, and they chill.

Dozed5 karma

I've been cussed countless times, some have threatened to murder me, I've been punched, I've had someone try to wrestle away an injection needle from me, etc...

I'll take a patient saying something gross over all that other stuff.

Some people never develop that thick skin, and they're awful to work with. Some already have it, or develop it quickly. I remind myself that my patients are typically experiencing one of the most difficult times of their lives, and anyone would be irritable; add psychosis, mania, or withdrawal on top of that and things get real.

Also, I remind myself who has the keys to get out of the building :)

Dozed2 karma

I know this is late, so I understand if you don't answer. Since you've been battling cancer on and off since age 3, in a way, it's all that you've ever known. How do you think this has impacted you psychologically, when compared to school and work peers that haven't experienced anything like this, whether it's positive or negative?

I noticed that you said your faith has helped you in your journey, which is great, but have there been moments that you've been angry or bitter towards God? If so, how did you overcome those feelings?

Edit: forgot to say thanks for doing this ama.

Dozed2 karma

What's with your username? Seems to conflict with your job. I'm just curious.