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DownTheReddittHole57 karma

A close family member was on Nuclear Subs and got out of the Navy last year. Whenever anyone asks him about it he always says, "Check Wikipedia." My question for you: is my family member being a smart-ass or is most of the work conducted really that top secret?

Side question: How does it smell down there?


DownTheReddittHole17 karma

This AMA kinda sucked, answers are half-assed and all these mindfulness blanketed replies are a cop-out. A lot of people need help. Are you sure this guy is a doctor? This was a pathetic attempt, very disappointing. Go read through his replies there is nothing scientific about them, this guy sucks. Please get an earnest individual next time. I hate to be harsh but NPR really? 1/10

DownTheReddittHole6 karma

Hello and thank you Dr. Santos. I have been really wanting to find an authoritative figure like you to help me resolve the following:

I just listened to an inspiring TedTalk by the real Patch Adams. Dr. Adams is the happiest person I’ve ever seen and he attributes this to 1.5 hours of daily exercise and actively choosing to be happy. This being said, Adams does not treat any of his patients’ psychiatric disorders with pills. With recent research from John Hopkins and other credible institutions exploring alternative and controversial therapies involving: LSD, MDMA, Ketamine, and Psilocybin; my question is 1) What are your thoughts on using psychedelics to address mental health, and what are your thoughts on the pharmaceutical solutions found and propagated by doctors abiding by the DSM V (or whatever is used these days).


If you have time for a second question, who are some of the doctors or authorities in wellbeing that you most admire, follow, and use to educate yourself? Thank you deeply!

DownTheReddittHole4 karma

Thank you. Informative and made me laugh. We’ll be sure to pick up a copy of ‘All in the Same Boat!’ Take good care.

DownTheReddittHole3 karma

Wow. How did you find yourself owning a vr arcade in Tahiti?