Highest Rated Comments

Dovahzyzz3 karma

Hey, you've been blessed with getting a message across :) All this sudden interest in the conditions that plague you are because of you and your actions. You've done your part and made your mark on the world. Even over here in New Zealand people know who you are. Your attitude is amazing and admirable. I wish more people could be as hard working and determined as yourself. And it's alright to cry once in a while hugs :) The world is lucky to have you.

Dovahzyzz2 karma

More internet hugs over here. Quick question too, have you ever or do you ever plan on going to a gym? I don't know why that was the first question that popped in my mind, you just look fit and I'm curious how you maintain it :)

Dovahzyzz1 karma

Why is that so amazing? :P New Zealand is soooo boring :3

Dovahzyzz1 karma

Oh wow archery that's pretty kickass :) I have the dexterity of a 3 year old so you're more talented than me there. All I can do is pick stuff up good (I have been formally educated at Derek Zoolander's School for Kids who Can't Read Good). That's awesome though. When I saw your video my heart honestly ached for you. But yet you seem like such a happy person. +1 You're amazing