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Doritalos11 karma
I was in maintenance assigned to USAF AFSOC and we did three months at a time. Also he's probably adding the two-weekers. If you are a TSgt you should know this, unless you've been at ACC and Mobility your entire career.
Doritalos11 karma
Most Big Commands deploy 6 months -1 year. AF Special Ops, which I belonged to, did three months max typically. There's only one base (Hurlburt) and some wing detachments so most of the USAF doesn't know how special units work.
Doritalos8 karma
Irish Zombie connection obvious:
It's the same old theme since nineteen-sixteen In your head, In your head they're still fightin' With their tanks and their bombs And their bombs and their guns In your head, in your head they are dyin'
In your head, in your head Zombie, zombie, zombie Hey, hey What's in your head, in your head Zombie, zombie, zombie Hey, hey, hey Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Hey, oh, ya, ya-a
Doritalos41 karma
lol, I saved the archive on that. He confused electrons with anti-matter, the guy's a fraud. Just remember, Dolph Lungren is more qualified with a Master's in Chemical Engineering to answer science questions then Bill Nye.
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