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DohRayMe88 karma

Do you have more work while the Olympics was on ?

DohRayMe42 karma

Merry Christmas to you all ! Aren't the meteorites submerged, do you use metal detectors ? What age of meteorites are you likely to find ? Are searched areas mapped out and shared ? I hear everything is tracked around the earth as not to damage Space station and Satellites, are you after anything in particular ?

DohRayMe11 karma

Throw a flash and game over.

DohRayMe11 karma

What cool new material's can you tell us about ?

Also how can i get something which has been in space, Even a screw would be cool.

DohRayMe3 karma

Proud to say Hi and I've been a fan of CS since the early beta years and running around on a 56k modem, Great team and social game and to think it was a free mod. http://counterstrike.wikia.com/wiki/Counter-Strike_Beta SO many great maps, shame they are lost now.