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Dogon1139 karma

Raveoli raveoli what's in the pocketoli?

Dogon116 karma

As an ex-rabbit owner and ex-rescue/sanctuary volunteer/foster, what do you feed your rabbits? I'm always curious about what other people feed their buns.

Dogon113 karma

Gotcha, totally. Don't want to risk it with the allergy, that sounds awful. I can't imagine how much harder that would make things! Are there any special things you need to keep in mind when feeding them orchard grass as their main hay versus timothy? We switched from Oxbow to Mazuri rabbit chow a few years ago for various reasons - one of the photos of the rabbits on the 25lb bag is actually my mom's picture of a rabbit we used to work with at the rescue!

Dogon112 karma

With the rabbits we worked with, greens were always very limited, as a lot had digestive issues, especially one old French Lop we had with megacolon (lost him just this summer). Lettuce was always off the table for the gas and stasis possibilities. Struggling with the ongoing Critical Care shortage though, as there are some of the buns who depend on it for a majority of their diet (namely a head-tilt bun we've had for the last eight years).

I did this with my mother, but it's been harder to help since I went to college. She's left the rescue we used to work with, but she now just acts as a sanctuary for un-adoptable buns with medical and social issues. I help when I can. I'm glad to see yet more people taking up the fight though to help these animals!