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Doctor_Dalek8 karma

If I could up vote you twice for the video, I would.

Also, it drastically changed my view on life. Afterwards, I enrolled in school and I really am trying to accomplish things. I appreciate things more, even just waking up next to my SO. Everything is better.

Doctor_Dalek8 karma

Not really. The chemo I had was so draining so I would be on chemo for one full week and then off for two with the ovarian cancer. During chemo, I would just sleep. During my two weeks off, I would try to recoup for my next chemo. For my sarcoma's, I was just nauseous all the time and I wasn't aloud either in the sun or in places with large groups of people so it was pretty sucky.

Doctor_Dalek7 karma

As a boyfriend, just be with her. Sometimes, she might get tired and just want to sleep, or you might want to talk and she doesnt, but I know that having someone there, even just sitting with you helps. Don't tell her that its going to be okay and what not because I am sure she hears that from everyone else. Just be there, hold her hand. Buy her flowers. Watch movies. Do things that you normally would do, and just enjoy it.

For her, just take it one day at a time. It is so hard to focus on the now when you are so worried about the future, but it really does help. If she is in pain or needs help, go to the doctor. Don't push him out like many patients do. There isn't much that is going to ease her fear, but eventually she will accept it, if she hasn't already, and after that, she will be okay.

Doctor_Dalek6 karma

Well the Dalek are pretty pissed every-time he's on and saving the world and what not.

I can't wait.

Doctor_Dalek5 karma

Once someone knows that you have cancer, they treat you so differently, which sucks pretty bad. I am far enough in my remission though that my hair is about 3 inches long and I can cover my scars so no one really knows now unless I tell them. I am proud of myself for making it through chemo, but that label can be hard to deal with sometimes.