Highest Rated Comments

DistinguishedTrout776 karma

Nice try, offensive lineman.

DistinguishedTrout245 karma

Nice. Ordering a ginger ale, making brief eye contact with a woman, eating three saltine crackers, in bed by 8:45. Man I miss college.

DistinguishedTrout119 karma

I liked y'alls idea of crowdfunding your next album and the response was massive. You guys hit your goal so quickly! Do you think other artists will try to follow suit in the future? Fans and artists are more connected now than ever and you guys are proof that you don't need anything else if you have support. Will record labels ever be a thing of the past?

DistinguishedTrout41 karma

Favorite memory from the minor leagues?

DistinguishedTrout3 karma

When you guys were coming up with gag deluxe packages for the album did you ever actually dream Meow The Jewels would actually come into fruition?