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Digitus___Impudicus9 karma

Hail Mary....give it a go. Weir did a number with that one. I found the audio book better than the read for unknown reasons.

Digitus___Impudicus3 karma

Given the ambient temp and the protective nature of the cave it seems like a custom fit for habitation. Do you see boring machines as a solution. Could we use smaller more manageable autonomous drone drillers to core out living spaces? Do you think it would be solid enough to seal without secondary applications to "coat" the surfaces? What is the water ratio in the stone/regolith to aggregate for cooling applications, consumption, cutting? Is moon regolith going to cause serious issues with any of that I seem to remember reading somewhere that it is very non-uniform and abrasive.

I have so many questions, but I will stop there. Thanks for taking the time to swing in.

Digitus___Impudicus2 karma

Cool, would assume that there we be some serious reclamation systems for water use. I would also think that power should be somewhat simpler to come by via solar/small scale nuclear(I have absolutely no experience what that application).

What about oxygen/food/etc.. this just start to snowball into so many interesting and rabbit hole questions that would I am sure spin up hundreds more. This seems like a very exciting field you have landed in. Color me somewhat jealous.

Thanks again for taking the time. Cheers.