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Diggity_Dave1972 karma

Reminds me of "How do you get a witch pregnant? You fuck her."

Diggity_Dave420 karma

I feel compelled to share my own story with you, in hopes that it'll inspire you a bit to never give up.

As a former convicted felon that's spent the last decade of his life overcoming the heartbreak, bullshit, and frustration associated with overcoming a criminal record, I'm very sorry for your troubles. I will say that while nothing is guaranteed, with enough persistence, money, and luck, you may one day be able to get your record cleared.

Without getting into too much detail, a family member of mine committed Medicaid fraud, and because I worked for this person, I was charged with conspiracy to commit Medicaid fraud. The DA would later tell my attorney that while they were fully aware that I never profited a dime from the scam, they could make it look that way. I was young, couldn't afford to go to trial, and scared to death of going to prison, so I pled guilty to get probation.

If I had any idea what a nightmare this would cause me over the next decade, I would have done anything and everything to raise the money for a trial.

It's really frustrating to beat out all applicants for a job and then not get hired because of a background check. No one gave me a break, and I can't say I blame them. Luckily for me, I eventually landed a healthcare related job as a consultant, and lo and behold, they didn't do a background check.

I was eventually able to have my criminal record expunged. After a few years at this healthcare company, I received a great offer from a local competitor. The criminal background check cleared, but there was one hiccup. When you're convicted of Medicaid Fraud, the Office of the Inspector General puts you on a watchdog list, and any company that has anything to do with Medicaid is supposed to check the list before hiring you. Well, I obviously didn't get the job, and found out that I wasn't even supposed to be working at my current job, lest I face a huge fine/prison time.

So despite making great money, being respected by my peers, and being the happiest I'd been in years, I resigned out of fear.

I did some research, and I found out that you can apply to be removed from the OIG list, but their investigation can take up to four months, and they hold the right to contact anyone you've worked for and drag your name through the mud. If they find that you've violated their rules, you can be fined or go to prison. I was terrified of the consequences, so with great reluctance, I attempted to get a different kind of job, to no avail. My beautiful, loving, and supportive wife, without whom I wouldn't be where I am today, convinced me to start my own business, which eventually failed. I hated it with every iota of my being, and could never get my heart into it.

On her birthday, we had the worst argument of our entire relationship, but it led to me overcoming my fears and I submitted my application to the OIG. I wrote them a very long letter explaining everything I had been through. It took me a few days, but I managed to find the courage to find my previous boss and explain that the OIG would be contacting him soon and why. He was kind, understanding, and said he'd do anything to help me. I'll never forget that.

To my complete and utter shock, the OIG responded in two weeks with a letter saying that I was off the list. No explanation why, no investigation, just a 'Get Out of Hell Pass'. First and last time The Man does me any favors, I imagine.

I was inspired, drunk with redemption, and I immediately updated my resume and sent it out anywhere and everywhere I could. I received a job offer, disclosed my former issues to them, and was told that as long as I didn't have a record and wasn't on the OIG list, they didn't care. By far, the most beautiful words I ever heard in my life besides, "I do." I'm safe, never have to be scared again, and I'm here to tell you to never give up until you've exhausted every possible option.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message me. Good luck.

Diggity_Dave193 karma

Were you there when he spraypainted his head?

Diggity_Dave186 karma