Highest Rated Comments

DexRogue18 karma

This title is a bit misleading, it makes it sound like you're blaming Apple/Google for your company's failure.

I'm curious, what's the earning potential behind slapping some ads in a game and offering in-game purchases instead of a pricing model? I rarely buy games unless they are on sale anymore but I'll gladly watch an ad for stuff in-game. Following that, if I enjoy the game and a nice buff comes for $.99 I'll generally buy that.

Also, why no demo of your game? While $2 isn't much, it's a lot for a blind buy on a market of free games. I'm much more likely to buy a game if I play a little bit of it and enjoy it (or unlock the full content in game for the price).

DexRogue9 karma

Do you own one of these shirts?!

On a more serious note, have you considered prosthetic extensions?

DexRogue2 karma

When is Maxx going to roll out to the rest of the country? I want more than 5 up damn it.

DexRogue0 karma

Thinking along the lines of major power outtages

This would be highly unlikely as they are protected by NERC CIP. Not saying it can't happen but yeah.