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DevonianAge250 karma

There's a lot of noise and confusion about who exactly is rioting, damaging property, etc. Many on the right say antifa is responsible, many on the left suspect covert/infiltration action by far right/ white supremacist/ boogaloo groups, and it also appears that the police themselves may be instigating a lot of it.

What's your take on this, and is Reuters working to get to the bottom of this question?

DevonianAge67 karma

There's an essay by Ursula LeGuin that's extremely critical of Watership Down; I'm sure you've come across it. For those who haven't, her basic claim is that the book presents does as extremely passive members of the warren, and in doing so reinforces the mindless, passive, helpless role of women in traditional fantasy. She always assumed (as I did, as a kid) that yours was a more or less accurate fantasy-world transposition of real rabbit behavior, especially since you constantly referenced The Private Life of the Rabbit as source material. She says that when she finally got around to reading The Private Life of the Rabbit many years later she was shocked to discover that does played a much more active and interesting role in the life of the warren, and that therefore you must have made a deliberate decision to take them down a notch in the book. As a feminist and egalitarian, that bothered her a lot. And it bothers me too, since this was one of my favorite books as a kid. I literally wore out a copy and had to buy a new one.

DevonianAge10 karma

Yeah I agree it's opportunists regardless of motive, and I think most others would too. I definitely haven't seen a narrative saying they're actually coordinating with protesters. The questions are, who are they, what are their objectives, and are there actually enough of them to be affecting overall looting/rioting/escalation?

DevonianAge6 karma

Also, what subgenres have you been the most successful with?

DevonianAge6 karma

Were you already a writer before you started focusing on erotica? Do you write in other genres for fun now, or have aspirations to publish in another genre?

How long does it take you to produce a new story, from first word to upload?