Highest Rated Comments

Detamz7 karma

Sunday was my birthday and I had been looking forward to seeing Kanye perform for months now.

I completely understand that things were out of your hands, but couldn't you have worked with the various artists camps to book backup shows that give sole priority to GovBall wristband holders? In my case, specifically Kanye?

This would have been my third year in a row going to Governors Ball, and I'm devastated it ended up like this.

Detamz3 karma

Thanks for the response.

With that being said, are you guys gonna do something to make up for it? A special show in NYC with Kanye + the other Sunday acts, where GovBall wristband holders have higher priority?

It sucks that we paid specifically to see Kanye at Governors Ball exclusively, and instead he performed at Summer Jam. It's like a slap in the face.

Edit: Spelling.

Detamz2 karma

Honestly, all I-and a lot of other people-want is for a makeup Kanye show, with the stipulation that Governors Ball wristband holders get high priority/reduced fee etc.

Would it be possible for you guys to do that?

I have this weird feeling that there will be a makeup show, but Governors Ball wristband holders won't be shown any special treatment like being allowed to purchase tickets first or reduced price etc