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Departments2 karma

Yes! In highschool I played football, which my ticks had no control over, since I'm running it wouldn't matter if I twitched or yelled, Later I started skating which could be tricky, since a tick could seriously mess me up and cause me to lose balance. Working out and running also really helps since it takes your mind off things.

Edit: Not a traditional sport, but I also play competitive video games. (even though growing up I could hardly play, since video games were lead to believe to spike ticks, which I wouldn't notice) I think when you're doing something where you're completely focused or engaged you tick less (or maybe I just don't notice it happening haha) But either way when gaming, it's a lot less pressured since no one is staring at you or judging you, so a few ticks that come in, won't really matter,

Departments2 karma

Hi, 18 year old here with tourettes as well. I only have motor ticks and they were severe when I was younger. Not many do, but I believe I have grown out of mine, and I only experience them when I'm stressed or nervous.!

I don't have any real question, but I just wanted to thank you for raising awareness and doing what you do!

I noticed when ever I was with my dog, it greatly soothed them. Do you have any sort of things that you do, or think of when you're having a tick though?

Departments2 karma

This has happened to me soooo many times. Not sure if it's because of my ticks, but I also have a weird thing where I just feel the need to destroy something, it sounds violent, but it's little things. Like seeing a perfectly round egg, I really want to crush it.

This can be bad too because I was cooking and had my 3DS nearby, and I felt a strong need to place it on the hot burner. Sadly I did it haha, and it only slightly melt the plastic until I realized how much of an idiot I am.

Either way growing up, my ticks have subsided greatly. I really wish doctors would stop telling patients that "Very rarely do they get better with age" Because I feel I really grew out of them compared to when I was 7 and 8.