Highest Rated Comments

Demolitionpm8 karma

Wow this is so eerry. I just got the same diagnosis yesterday and i am meeting witht the oncoligist for my plan today. Stage Iv colon with matasisis to the liver. I had some cramping for a few months that would come and go and thought it was more or less my diet. Blood in my stool appeared in december. Went in and fast tracked a ct scan and a colonocscopy. The colonoscopy showed just how bad the mass is. Symptoms are still mild but are more prevelent now. Glad to here there is hope out there. Congrats to you.

Demolitionpm3 karma

I have always had some sort of lower back pain. Don't know if they were related or just enough where it masked it. It is still torerable right now with a couple aleve during the day. It comes and goes when I don't take it.

Demolitionpm2 karma

Thanks. I appreciate it.

Demolitionpm1 karma

How many baud was your first modem when you first started to hack?