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DawnSoap76 karma

Hello fellow cancer patient! I have stage 3 melanoma cancer that metastasized and spread to my lungs and lymph nodes.

I’ve noticed through my treatments that keeping a good spirit and being optimistic about the outcome has really helped. I’ve made crude jokes at my cancer because I’m not going to let it win.

How big of a role has attitude played in your treatment?

DawnSoap30 karma

Thank you! My treatment is going very well and my tumors are shrinking.

DawnSoap17 karma

Thank you! I’m on a chemo treatment that is around $25k a month but my insurance is paying for it thankfully. I’m doing really well and am hoping to beat it!

DawnSoap7 karma

I tried immunotherapy first and unfortunately it did not work for me =(

DawnSoap7 karma

It was very noticeable on my shoulder. I ignored it for about five years until my mom passed away from cancer. Then I decided I should get it looked at. The dermatologist dug it out of my shoulder that day and I was in for proper surgery a few weeks later. Found out it had spread and had another surgery a few weeks later to have lymph nodes removed. Immunotherapy started after that.