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DarthBall48 karma

I've always wondered this about certain specialties(proctologist, podiatry, etc) in medicine, but what made you want to focus on urology?

DarthBall4 karma

Is there any kind of "pecking order" in Spanish language education? Do schools prefer hiring professors from particular countries/regions, or is it simply a matter of being proficient in the language?

Do you speak any other languages (outside of English and Spanish)?

DarthBall2 karma

I currently have dual citizenship (US/UK) and live in the US, but want to get my UK passport. Is this going to be a stupidly complicated process? I'm 27 and never had a UK passport.

DarthBall2 karma

1) One rule you would add/One rule you would remove from MLB

2) Also, is there any research into play style/variety by country and how that impacts the game. Watching the Olympics this year and the WBC in years past, it was interesting to see the different styles of the game going head to head. I'd imagine there are a few things to be learned from these other leagues and vice versa?