Highest Rated Comments

Dark_Link_199645 karma

If you could visit any of these place again, which place would you go to again?

Dark_Link_199632 karma

I'd love to go visit my family in Mexico again. It's been so long since I've been there

Dark_Link_199624 karma

Nearly 4 years. I went to Mexico for the 1st time on my 19th Birthday. I was extremely anxious and nervous, but I had fun. I finally got to meet family that I've only heard stories about. We went down there for a family wedding both times. 1st wedding was for a Cousin who lives in Mexico, she wanted my parents to be there & my parents wanted to take me as well, my older brother also went cause it's been awhile since he went. 2nd time was for my cousin who lives in Kansas, she wanted to get married in Mexico and have my grandparents help set the wedding up. It was so nice seeing them again, especially the family from Kansas since they rarely come down here to visit. I hope to go visit again once all cases of COVID-19 are gone.

Dark_Link_19963 karma

What type of work do you do now after being on Chopped?

Dark_Link_19962 karma

What made you go into this field?