Highest Rated Comments

DangerMacAwesome134 karma

Hey, a lot of people say "Fuck the police", nobody says "Fuck the fire department"

DangerMacAwesome108 karma

"FUCK YOU OBAMA" he shouted, then shot himself in the foot.

DangerMacAwesome66 karma

Exactly what a conspiracy actor would say...

DangerMacAwesome28 karma

Be nice to Mormons. While I disagree with them theologically, I have found the missionaries to be polite and agreeable people. (My experience only, do not take this as universal)

So politely but firmly inform them that you are not interested in converting, but wish them well.

DangerMacAwesome27 karma

Not OP but I am a Christian guy who believes in modern medicine.

I honestly don't think it's apples to apples here.

We can't do double blind studies with God (have the control group pray to placebo God?). We can't really do the scientific method on God because He is a living entity, and may choose to act or not act in certain situations. We cannot repeat trials because He may decide to participate one day and not another.

For me, the belief in God comes from a spiritual place. I don't believe because of a preponderance of evidence. I believe because of my personal experiences, what I've seen, heard and most importantly felt. Further, I look at things like the marvel of the human body and see the magnificent design of a creator, while another person might look at the exact same thing, consider evolutionary pathways and eons of history and say "clearly this is not the work of some God."

As I've finished typing this I'm realizing that my answer is almost certainly inadequate, and worse I'm afraid I've fallen into one of the things that irritates me to no end, the faithful being asked a question and neatly avoiding the question with a lot of words. I genuinely apologize, as that was not my intent.

I'm also realizing that I may have misinterpreted your question as a whole. That being said, I wouldn't mind continuing this conversation with you, even though I'm not an expert by any stretch, just some guy here on reddit.