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Daeurth144 karma

I don't think anyone affiliated with WSB is really well known for their sound decision making.

Daeurth6 karma

Spinners aren't a knockoff of the cube though. They've been a pretty big thing in the EDC/pocket dump community for years now.

Daeurth6 karma

You say bagless vacuums suffer from a loss of suction, but Dyson claims their vacuums do not, in fact, lose suction. How do you respond?

Daeurth5 karma

You mean Guy Fawkes watching Willie Mays catch a fly ball while an armored assault vehicle rolls past, right? In other words, relevant xkcd.

Daeurth3 karma

Cory: When I first read For the Win and Pirate Cinema, I felt that they weren't just great books, but that they opened my eyes to how serious issues in our own world could become if we didn't do anything about them.

My question is: Are all of your books written to raise awareness of an issue, or do you ever just write for the hell of it?