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DaLateDentArdurDent152 karma

I loved your character on 30 rock and always give my friend crap for going to school in Boston. Well not in Boston, but nearby. No, not Tufts. I've always felt a strong connection to your character because I feel like I go through some of the same things. I'm a pretty big nerd. I've been told I have the tendency come off a lot like toofer sometimes in how I act and talk (working on maybe improving that part). I've also been accused of being "white washed" at many times in my life (and they aren't exactly wrong) and I always struggled with finding balance between my heritage/culture and being who I feel like I am as a person. And I think your portrayal of Toofer helped me a lot in my teen years as a sort of role model in that respect, because it helped me see that I can be who I am as a person and still be proud of my heritage. Your portrayal of toofer helped me realize that all that "acting white" or "acting (insert race)" is just a lot of bs most of the time and isn't really what heritage is about. There isn't really a question in here yet, just a lot of statements. So I guess I'd like to know, where did you draw your inspiration from in portraying Toofer? Do you feel that a lot of the character's beliefs and character traits line up with your own? I know it was comedy, but between the laughs I found a lot of deep genuine moments in the show and it's one of the reasons I love it so much. Thank you for doing this AMA, and I'm looking forward to checking out Keith Broke His Leg some time!