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D_Adelier23 karma

Ah yes, good old WTF-001.

D_Adelier1 karma

If you're still around, I just graduated high school and this past year I took an online AP Statistics course. It was hands down the worst class I had in high school. It was pretty much a "learn it yourself and do homework problems" environment, an environment I can deal with and even enjoy. However there was a ridiculous amount of busy work and silly, useless assignments. One that really got to me was that we had to watch a series called "Against All Odds" created by Annenburg (sp?) Media. It wasn't all that bad, but it was treated as a serious learning tool when it was more about the application of statistics in the real world (5-10 minutes of explanation, 15-20 minutes of cases). Even though applications are important, the program had a fatal flaw: it was released in the 1980s. The majority of the applications were outdated and many had no bearing in the new millennium.

Anyway, after that rant, what is your opinion on math classes being taught online? If done properly I feel that it could be a plausible method of teaching, but I can't say I've had much experience with online classes.