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DRM_Removal_Bot23 karma

Note: These factors are big contributors. But a heart attack doesn't give a shit.

I was 34. Male. Realtively low-stress lifestyle. And not diabetic.

DRM_Removal_Bot9 karma

Since you share my situation of healrhcare being fully provided. Take advantage of it. Severe reflux can present as chest pains in places that feel nowhere near your windpipe.

I am up to 8 false-alarm ER visits since my event. 2 chest wall contusions. 2 anxiety attacks. And 4 counts of reflux.

DRM_Removal_Bot7 karma

How would you feel if Disney pulled a Piggy on you, had Mickey leave Minnie, and find a new girlfriend?

DRM_Removal_Bot6 karma

Will there be a commetnary on EVERY SINGLE EPISODE when DVD's/Blurays happen? I love commentaries but HATE how TV shows only have one per disc or one per season.

DRM_Removal_Bot4 karma

I've heard of private builds of NBA jam with different announcers and players. the NBA has one, for instance? in a boardroom somewhere where the players are their employees?

did you have a hand in the making of these modifications?