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DOLO_F_PHD6 karma


whoops I meant inconvenient not incontinent sorry (spell check menu betrayed me).

Which one had the worst combination of place, healing time and pain. Would tailbone rank high on that list?

DOLO_F_PHD6 karma

Thanks for answering questions.

So i was wondering what has been the most incontinent bone for you to break? Has there been one that has made you go I dont want to break that again? Or is that something that you dont put much thought into?

DOLO_F_PHD2 karma

Hi, I wanted to be a paleontologist when I was a kid aswell but ended up in the social sciences and the humanities.

Anyway what post unadergrad programs lead to being a paleontologist? Also how cool is to work for the smithsonian? And related how hard is it to get a job there?

Thank you for your time

DOLO_F_PHD2 karma

So who is/was your favorite character to voice? Was it Coach McGuirk?

DOLO_F_PHD2 karma

I can only imagine.

Thanks again for taking the time to answer me.