Highest Rated Comments

Cynthiaimprov12 karma

The mission that brought me to tears was "Best Game Ever". Holy cow - it just kept getting better and better, and the looks on those kid's faces. I had tears streaming down my cheeks by the end. I know there was controversy with the "Best Gig Ever", and I get that, I guess. "Best Game Ever" made up for it in spades. Those kids will take that day with them the rest of their lives. I don't see a down side at all!

Cynthiaimprov6 karma

My FAVORITE. It wasn't just entertaining. It was a lesson and poetry as well.

Cynthiaimprov4 karma

Hey - I've been a fan since Moebius Loop way back when. My group and I have tried to create that, and it's a blast! My question: What tools are best to mobilize and motivate participants for your missions? I've tried a couple here where I live, and people sign up, then fail to show up on the appointed day. I think they get cold feet and can't follow through. When you plan to do something with 50 people and you end up with 10 people it's discouraging. How do you keep them in the game till it's game time? Thanks and keep up the GREAT work!

Cynthiaimprov3 karma

Hey Gary! After following your blog and twitter and facebook for a couple of years, I feel like I almost know you. I'd love to know your feelings on the idea of American's retiring in other countries? I'm sure you have met some ex-pats and have opinions on this option. Is there one country that seems better than others for retiring Americans?

Cynthiaimprov1 karma

I see this all over reddit now. It's almost a meme.