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CylonDevice657 karma

what was the hardest part of adjusting to the outside world? Probably the social aspect. At first social contact was extremely hard, looking people in the eye while talking to them was nearly impossible, and when faced with foreign social situations I would have panic attacks and just shut down.

I didn't make many friends at first either. I realize now I must have been very obnoxious and annoying, having no familiarity with how to behave in social situations.

if its not too personal, could you explain how you came to be adopted by your grandma?

My mom was addicted to hard drugs and living on the street alot. Lost custody of me. As a side note, she kinda ran away from home as a teenager to escape my grandmother, and fell into the wrong crowd so to speak.

did you remain in contact with your grandma at all post-moving out?

Hardly at all for the first couple years, I would just get angry being around her. Now, I see her off and on, shes not doing too well health wise. A bit of dementia, heart problems, and needing help taking care of stuff. Shes also on medication now.

CylonDevice436 karma

This kinda sums up my philosophy, lol http://i.imgur.com/uMzwj.jpg

CylonDevice347 karma

Yeah, I don't remember how old I was however haha. I do remember it was to nude paintings in an art book that somehow my grandmother passed over. Goyas the Nude Maja to be specific. My first wank was a classy one, haha ;)

CylonDevice251 karma

Agnostic I suppose. I don't believe in God, but I don't really care enough to be an Atheist.

CylonDevice250 karma

my hand