Highest Rated Comments

CyaSteve21 karma

It was a pretty contested thing putting in the forced delay in SC2 and when that carrier over to Heroes I was wary to say the least. It seems like you guys were able to remove that bit fairly quickly when requested, how come it stayed in SC2 for so long?

What challenges have you faced transitioning the replay tool to Heroes from SC2?

Any word on a map editor incoming for Heroes?

What's up with custom games in Heroes, any word on when we can see those again?

Thank you for all of your work!

Some less direct questions, if someone is looking to get into this field where should they start?

How much of your work has varied from what you thought you would be doing when you first started working? Are you guys always forced into learning new things or is there a pretty established way to do things at the moment?

Edit: I know you probably can't answer some of these, but thanks anyways!

CyaSteve2 karma

It's not a ninja edit if you say you edited!

CyaSteve2 karma

Just graduated with my degree in Computer Science last year, thanks for the response!

CyaSteve2 karma

RIP your inbox.