Highest Rated Comments

CurtNo88 karma

Hi Reddit! I profit off illegal aliens, I'm an immigration lawyer at The Visa Farm.

How much do you stand to lose financially if the flow of illegal aliens stops? What percent of your income/profit/client is illegal aliens? Do you live adjacent to illegal aliens? Are illegal aliens depriving your children from educational resources?

Thanks for the gold.

CurtNo32 karma

I've lost confidence in Google maintaining my privacy. How can I be assured that your application is not another tool to track me?

Does Google overall, or your Flight Team specifically, obtain finanical assistance from any government entity to develop your software and algorithims?

Who is your biggest competitor?

CurtNo31 karma


CurtNo11 karma

Even Obama disagrees with you. Sheesh, keep pandering for profit.

CurtNo2 karma

Are you familiar with Smedley Darlington Butler?

Are you aware of the 2012 Pentagon DIA that insisted further western support of anti-Assad and anti-Gaddafi would create a Salafist Principality or ISIL?

Your thoughts on the Pentagon JCS providing Assad with extremist intel/location via Russia. Which side are you on?

Define good terrorists vs bad terrorists vs good rebels vs bad rebels vs freedom fighters. Who gets the weapons drop, and does this change by day of week?

Exit strategy?????