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CurryTheKidAMA6 karma



Please stay tuned for the future announcements

CurryTheKidAMA6 karma

私は『悪魔城ドラキュラ Sorrow(暁月の円舞曲)』のゲームで育ち、Bloodstainedも大好きです。メトロイドヴァニアの面白さの一つは、パワーアップした状態で古いエリアに戻り、新しい/隠されたコンテンツにたどり着けることです。例えば、二重跳びで高い崖を登ったり、水中で移動したり呼吸したりすることができます。


AMAをありがとうございました。"I wish you all the best!



Thank you so much. I believe it's important for an exploratory expansion. In what timeframe the exploration expands, to where, are some of the things I think about. There actually were some areas that unfortunately had to be taken out. Due to this, the Den of Behemoth went to the 2nd half but it was suppose to be in 1st half. Valefar should have been a boss you will just jump with one height. Please don't abuse him with the Aegis protector and invert. LOL

Speaking of things that were dropped, you were suppose to play against him with slots. I did write a very detailed instructions on how the slot works so I'm sad it disappeared.

CurryTheKidAMA5 karma



I like Ori. When I played it, it really became a good reference.

CurryTheKidAMA4 karma






I've actually put all my powers into each and every game so it's hard to choose just one.

If I have to choose one, it guess it would be Aria. it was the first title that I got to work on having this type of enemy, with this type of item, with this soul, play is like this the way I wanted to so it is one of my favorites.

With an idea that I was sad its been cut, the hammer for Julius mode of Dawn of Sorrow. The additional players were made basically by me in Debug on my own account but Julius mode was something I stated to IGA-san I will be doing at the production stage already due to my confidence for the mode. But from the Art side I was told "If I keep drawing any further than this, my arm will break in half" type of thing so I gave up on the hammer. LOL

I will work hard to be able to live up to your expectations.

CurryTheKidAMA4 karma


もし御覧になっていなかったら悪魔城ドラキュラに関して好きな/嫌いな事は何ですか? 以前悪魔城でやった事で今回のBloodstainedに影響を及ぼした物は何かありますか?



I actually invited IGA-san and did a viewing of Season 1. Thought I did enjoy watching it, IGA-san and I discussed how Alucard's personality was pretty different. Also felt that Hector was being poorly treated to me and I felt bad for him a little.

Personally, as I really loved the voice actor Okiayu-san's Alucard so I wanted Alucard to be him. As I am someone who has worked a many of the Castlevania series, I believe that "Blood" is included into Bloodstained also.