Highest Rated Comments

Curiousandcurser162 karma

As a scot maybe I could offer my take on things. I don't believe that the key motivator behind this push for indepedence has anything to do with anti-English sentiment. Instead it's a feeling that the current political system simply does not function in a satisfactory manner and taking control over all of our own affairs will allow for complete reform of the political system. There has been too many elections now where the government has not been voted in by the vast majority of Scotland. Imagine if it was the other way around - would you be happy that someone in Edinburgh was controlling the purse strings and making the majority of decisions on how things are run in Kent?

Curiousandcurser73 karma

That's something you should be campaigning for at Westminster. Those kind of things could be viable nationwide if it weren't for the ludicrous sums on money spent on things such as nuclear weapons. I hope that if and when we do gain independence it will motivate the rest of the UK to demand better representation and choices from government.

and I'm afraid we're not the same country. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are countries. Each of these countries are joined in a political union which puts them into the United Kingdom.

Curiousandcurser5 karma

We had our last referendum in the 1970's so definitely not sudden! It was actually a majority yes vote but the rules were changed by Westminster at the last minute!

Curiousandcurser3 karma

No way... My good friends from Inverurie - he always talks about Butteries!

Sorry to press but any comment on the bbc question?

Curiousandcurser3 karma

What's your opinion on the degree of bias coming from the BBC?

Also...where in the highlands are you from? Brilliant seeing Scotland getting some attention on reddit!