Highest Rated Comments

CuddlePirate4202053 karma

Has anyone died because you couldn't get to them fast enough because of bad traffic? I think about that on my ride home, that if I had a heart attack at 5pm in the heaviest parts, I'd die because an ambulance couldn't get near me.

CuddlePirate420687 karma

When using sliced pancetta for antipasto, do you need to heat it up first or can it be eaten straight from the packaging?

CuddlePirate420401 karma

Mr. Dawkins, do you think marijuana should be legalized at the Federal level in the United States?

CuddlePirate420233 karma

What color is that damn dress?

CuddlePirate42067 karma

The NSA has such a bad reputation, so how/why should we trust anything you tell us or any of the answers you give us?