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CptnStarkos528 karma

Every time I see a Wes Anderson movie I'm absolutely certain that he does not offer the actors any money... he just hands them the script and they jump right into the marvelous wagon of his.

CptnStarkos242 karma

The extintion on land was massive, do we have some idea of how much was affected the life on water??

CptnStarkos183 karma

Very recently, /r/dataisbeautiful linked this beautiful page: http://www.tylervigen.com/

showing Things that Correlate... it's curious because the moment I saw it... I immediatly tought about freakonomics, and how well you described that correlation does not mean causation and how often we see that fallacie used in real life.

My question here would be: If that website/info was available when you edited your books, would you have shown something like that in it? Something like showing the correlation between unemployment in alabama vs the ammount of movies Nicholas Cage has appeared by year? :D

CptnStarkos135 karma

Is it true that turtles are basically the same since the dinosaurs age?? Or is it a myth?

Do you find turtles on this time period?

CptnStarkos105 karma

Is there any mathematical model that beats string theory in certain aspects?

What are the "flaws" of string theory?

What things should we be looking for to "prove" or "contradict" string theory?

What would have happened if the Higgs Boson would have turned out to be false or non-existent??