Highest Rated Comments

CptBuck53 karma

For anyone who hasn't please, please pick up a copy of Foote's "The Civil War: A Narrative." It's enormous, and epic, and completely unforgettable. Every hundred pages or so he'll tell a story about the war that makes me put the book down and want to jump up and down and scream to anyone who will listen to hear this amazing history.

Forrest refusing to surrender at Shiloh, or Jackson's realization that he needed to take his entire corps on a flanking maneuver at Chancellorsville spring to mind. I'm about 1000 pages in, haven't even gotten to Gettysburg, and it's easily one of the best books I've ever read.

CptBuck2 karma

Hi Bassem, huge fan of your show, thank you for making me laugh like a fool in the library while I was procrastinating for my Arabic finals at university.

What do you think needs to change about the media environment in Egypt for a satirical show like yours to be successful and stay on the air? Is it legal and administrative changes that would prevent the kind of lawsuits you faced or a more of a cultural change? Or something else?

CptBuck2 karma

Any good stories from making "Oxford Blues?" I feel like it's one of the least known brat pack movies, but everyone at Oxford still watches it for the over-the-top 80's-ness of it.