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Count_Sack_McGee1161 karma

Him and half of r/nba

Count_Sack_McGee137 karma

This is so true...I used to be way to sensitive about jokes when I was a kid until I realized that it was really guy speak for I like you enough to make fun of you.

Count_Sack_McGee23 karma

Great list of games. As a guy in my mid 30's I grew up on a similar stable of titles and in many ways it has influenced my gaming habits today. None of these (obviously) are pay too win or had micro transactions at all.

My concern, and I would guess the concern for many, is that there a time rapidly approaching where the only way to beat a game is through micro transactions. You've already seen this in online multiplayer titles (COD games, Battlefront Battlefield 2, destiny) where PvP is all but ruined when those who pay get an advantage. It's now entering the realm of AAA titles to simply finish the game. Shadows of War, for example, forces you to go through an absurd slog at the end during the "Shadow Wars" sequence that makes it almost impossible not to pay.

My question is, does it concern you that there won't be games like the ones you mentioned above because micro-transactions have simply made it too profitable to make a game that forces you to get good and win? Are F2P and Pay to Win games raising a generation of young gamers that will only know that and thus leaving our generation doomed to only play older titles?

Count_Sack_McGee15 karma

What are your thoughts of death by chronic condition versus a quick one out of nowhere?

I ask this because my father was in his late 60's a died of falling off a ladder. He was getting to the age where certain medical issues were starting to creep in so I had wrapped my head around him dying of a heart attack or cancer but the suddenness of dying like that was almost like pulling the most painful band aid off ever. I tried to convince myself that maybe it was better that way that a long drawn out painful run of cancer which my grandparents had all passed away from.

Count_Sack_McGee5 karma

Did your mother in law get in any trouble with the police resulting from the lies?

I would imagine that even Canadian police agenices get mad when people jerk them around.