Highest Rated Comments

CopeSe7en284 karma

Time is brain. Take a full CPR class folks. Only takes about four minutes for your brain to start suffering permanent brain damage and CPR can extend that time up to 30 minutes if it’s really good CPR. Even if you’re bad at CPR you might be able to extend that time long enough for paramedics to get there and take over.

CopeSe7en45 karma

Hi Matt how ya doing?

Can you guys please please do another epic song like Save Me and make it maybe 18-20 min long. You guys are beyond being a band. You guys are great composers and story tellers. I feel like you guys could write one hell of a metal symphony.

Also will this be turned into a full song on your next album? http://youtu.be/tmi0Jc657SM?t=6m1s


CopeSe7en30 karma

That's what the handle above the door is for.

CopeSe7en11 karma

The white matter is also parenchyma. It’s literally the axons of all the neurons

CopeSe7en7 karma

Stand up then look up and bend your upper body backwards now hold it