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CooterSquirrel2 karma

I have a 1982 Electrolux Silverado that's slowly on its way out. I friggin love the thing. What would you recommend as a replacement on the fateful day when she finally, once and for all, craps out on me?

CooterSquirrel1 karma

Hello and thanks for doing this AMA! I've gathered a lot of info from your comments so far, so most of my questions have been answered - but I still have one!

I've been intrigued by birds for years, ever since working in a pet store as a teenager & working with various types of parrot. I've been the proud father of a baby Green Cheek Conure for almost a year now (his birthday/hatchday is coming up in February), and absolutely love the little dude. I've noticed, over the years, that it seems to take a specific type of personality to interact well with birds. One must be calm, confident & in-charge, but also gentle, slow, and very loving. Would you say that prior experience handling & interacting birds (albeit not falcons) would make a difference in one's ability to be a good falconer? (I hope that question makes sense, please let me know if it doesn't!)

CooterSquirrel1 karma

That makes a lot of sense, thanks for taking the time to reply!
