Highest Rated Comments

CommandoPro37 karma

Are you worried about any legal repercussions of allowing people to effectively use your internet connection? The law can be dodgy. Thanks for helping the network out though :)

CommandoPro26 karma

CommandoPro7 karma

I’m not even American.. I don’t know how you could construe that subreddit to be right wing? Each subreddit has its demographic and politics seems to reflect the majority of reddit users, which are pretty left wing. Anything republican won’t fare well on there.

CommandoPro4 karma

Politics is nothing but the left, T_D is nothing but the right

CommandoPro3 karma

You sound pretty unashamed about it. How do you balance this with your Libertarian views? I recognise that a country has a right to protect its borders, but this is a particularly invasive power.

Perhaps this power isn't used as broadly as it's made out to be, and that changes how you feel about it?