Highest Rated Comments

Combat_Medic_Scout27 karma

Since you were in China back in 1988/1989. What is your opinion on the way China has been going since, and do you think we will see more democracy or will the government try to keep holding onto its position as the supreme power?

Combat_Medic_Scout23 karma

They also managed to get the price slightly reduced after the economy crashed to guarantee the ship yard they could build all the ships.

Combat_Medic_Scout11 karma

It's cheaper to buy the crew free afterwards than dealing with law suits from dead employees, bad press etc. Except if you let your crew sit in Somalia for two years like Shipcraft with Eddy and Søren, you're a big fucking retard and do not deserve to do business at all.

Combat_Medic_Scout2 karma

Hej Martin. Jeg har ingen spørgsmål, men vil bare ønske dig tillykke med at dit firma går så godt, læste en artikel om dig på Børsen og vil bare sige at du har været en stor inspirationskilde og takket været dig har jeg lavet en lille "sort bog" med ideer. Held og lykke fremover!