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Clint_Beastwood_1227 karma

Hi Katie, do you think there is any self-awareness from the presiding judge and police dept executives on how rulings like this erode the public's confidence in the justice system as a whole?

Clint_Beastwood_36 karma

How about #1 going in in the first place, #2 dissolving the Iraqi military- essentially firing the national military personnel(who may have been willing to assist with the transfer of power in Iraq) & effectively creating an insurgency, #3 not protecting the country's critical infrastructure as it descended into chaos #4 allowing private contractors to operate with impunity #5 not having a clear objective #6 not fully understanding the preexisting sectarian tensions(which Sadam had actually pacified through strong/oppressive leadership) which then got out of control once he was dethroned #7 the drone bombing campaign- it has been speculated by many & hypothesized by militant-rehabilitation experts in Pakistan that we create many more militants for every one that we kill with a drone. Drones are nearly universally hated in the middle east & has reportedly been a huge recruitment tool for militants.

Clint_Beastwood_27 karma

Holy shit, he is jacked!

Clint_Beastwood_27 karma

I've watched a lot of "cop" videos on LiveLeak and YouTube ... It seems to me that most of the world's police are trainrd to deescelate situations like you said. Even if a purp is brandishing a weapon, they deescelate, try to dissarm assailants, defuse angry people, etc... Can't be more at contrast with American cops who seem to more often then not, default to a steady escalation of force, all the way up to deadly force, if they are provided an opportunity or excuse to do so. It is very noticable

Clint_Beastwood_8 karma

Dude it doesn't look like that whole ISIS/ISIL shit is going away any time soon. I'd place a bet that we will have more deployments & direct conflict in the next 5 or 6 years to come. IMO the world looks more unstable now than before we invaded Iraq(Special emphasis on the middle east-Iraq/Syria & eastern Europe-Russia/Ukraine etc, China/Japan or Nkorea/Skorea could also get volatile) but I was younger then and didn't pay as much attention to global politics and conflict. Plus consider that the stakes for controlling resources and managing regions which produce resources that we are dependent on has probably never been more important. Going by our track record I'd say there is a good chance you would see action, just better hope for everyone's sake that it doesn't involve two competing modern armies, I'd imagine that would be a LOOT less fun for all parties involved, especially the foot soldiers.