Highest Rated Comments

ClintHammer941 karma

Martha Stewart is the shit at AMA

I think it's her background. She realized she was in our house and decided to play by our rules or not be invited back

ClintHammer295 karma

This is easily the best reply in the entire AMA.

My favorite is that he front loaded the insult, rather than rear loaded, like an ametaur such as I, would have done.

At the end it hits harder, which is usually the intent of an insult, but front loading it makes it seem almost like it's a natural and obvious reaction to the magic mushroom question.

ClintHammer202 karma

As a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, we always heard stories about how when you Vietnam era guys were not on patrol you always had beer and BBQs, fraternized with local women constantly, while we had to go the whole year without alcohol, women, or fresh food.

I always thought, knowing the Army that was all bullshit because the army can ruin anything, even fun stuff. Hell, once I was annoyed to get ice cream on thanksgiving they're so good at messing things up.

How much of that was true and how much of it was people watching Platoon and Apocalypse Now and making stuff up?

ClintHammer190 karma

Are you like American pawn shops that almost never do pawns, or do you do a lot of actual loans?

ClintHammer179 karma

But, yeah. I remember one time we got a full load - a trailer of beer and ice in it. I don't know what else, but it was no BBQ.

So it happened once. That sounds about right. You guys probably spent the rest of the tour talking about it too.

"Hey Smith remember that one time we got a truckload of beers"

"Sure do, wish we were back there right now"