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CleverNameIsClever10 karma

The camps in China where they have been keeping their Muslim minorities, called Uighurs, for "re-education."

CleverNameIsClever7 karma

I see you've mentioned your struggles with mental health. If you don't mind, could you elaborate on this? How did your accident affect your mental health? What happened that got you to take your mental health seriously and seek treatment? What do you think has helped you the most in terms of mental health treatment? Any advice for others?

CleverNameIsClever5 karma

Yea don't get rid of anything really interesting like that! Your town has a lot of history and I'm sure people that visit would enjoy seeing that kind of stuff. I know I would. You can have a little museum of sorts for visitors.

CleverNameIsClever3 karma

What are some of your favorite musicians?

CleverNameIsClever3 karma

Do you have any advice for saving money on excursions or other ship activities? Any discounts or cool stuff the average person wouldn't know about?